Monday, 20 April 2009


she's currently my obsession...amongst other things at the moment. AND SHE LOVES TO SHOP IN THE BOYS DEPT TOO! We should meet I think, we'd totaly hit it off haha!
Sorry for the lack of updates, we've both been super busy with work/course work/revision and just general unable-ness to update!
Better post soon, got lots of goodies to show you from a recent tri pto American Apparel (& crappy Primark...AA was better!) ♥
Hope everyone has had a good few days, its been lovely up here recently - sunshine, warmth, people wearing short sleeves/sunglasses! Hope it stays, as its my day off soon!
Thanks again for all the comment, much love!
Sea x.x.

Friday, 3 April 2009


Jael, ANTM cycle 8

Back soon guys! Concentrating on revision right now...
Char x