Monday, 20 April 2009


she's currently my obsession...amongst other things at the moment. AND SHE LOVES TO SHOP IN THE BOYS DEPT TOO! We should meet I think, we'd totaly hit it off haha!
Sorry for the lack of updates, we've both been super busy with work/course work/revision and just general unable-ness to update!
Better post soon, got lots of goodies to show you from a recent tri pto American Apparel (& crappy Primark...AA was better!) ♥
Hope everyone has had a good few days, its been lovely up here recently - sunshine, warmth, people wearing short sleeves/sunglasses! Hope it stays, as its my day off soon!
Thanks again for all the comment, much love!
Sea x.x.


DaisyChain said...

Yay, good to see your posting =)

Kay said...

I love her! Also she looks so good all the time and still manages to be 'sexy' (hate that word) in boys clothes.

laurakinss said...

come back!!! :) x

Elisa said...

Ahhh, I love the sun. Here, there is none. :(

kimvee said...

Yay! Can't wait to see the goodies you purchased :)

Hannah Bee said...

Yay post! AA is always best :)

Kandace said...

I've been so busy too but I'm finally back. As for Ladyhawke I got her CD for Christmas this year and I've loved it ever since.

Jojo said...

Love her got her album and its great. Glad to see you back.

Kylie said...

She seems to be everywhere lately huh? The video's a bit too 80's for me, but the song is cool! I've actually never heard any of her songs considering the amount of press she's been getting...


AMIT said...

Oh that is a good video on this.

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Ericwipe287 said...

She likes to shop in boys stores also. All men would stare on you like you are alien there. Ha Ha!!

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