Sunday, 8 November 2009
Ok, so this has pretty much been abandoned this poor little blog :(
Both Char and myself have been incredibly busy over the past few months, with work, starting new jobs etc. I would like to thank the people who have still visited and left us comments, its really lovely of you guys, thank you thank you!
I was actually thinking of starting up my own blog as I'd love to get back into this! We've both have had alot of time away from blogging and I've missed it! So, I will post again soon with details of new blog name, links etc!
Sea x.x.
read, link and move on over to;
love xx
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Currently inspired by;

The Dead Weather (mainly Alison, love her style!),
Freja!! I am thinking of getting my hair cut like hers in this photograph, my hair is currently all over the place and I kinda miss my fringe, but wouldn't want a heavy/thick one, Freja's one in above picture is just perfect.
Faris Badwan from the Horrors. He always inspires me, in terms of music, style and culture. I find him fascinating.
Bob Dylan. I recently watched the film 'Im Not There' (repeatdly!) a few weeks ago and have been inspired by everything he does, fantastic muscian.
And below I've lsited a few things that I am desperate need of right now (well not desperate need but you know what I mean);

Sea x.x.
(above picture made by myself at, all other images thanks to Google Images, The Horum,
Friday, 31 July 2009
return post :)
So after much neglect, I've decided it's time for a good old fashioned...POST! Thanks to everyone who has commented and kept reading, we really appreciate it, thank you!
This isn't gonig to be a fabulous post or anything, just thought I'd share what I've been up to and what has been bought the past month and a half etc.

Sorry about the AWFUL quality, size etc, I only have 'Paint' on my laptop and I wasn't going to upload everything indivdually, it wouldv'e taken ages etc etc.
So from the top; cropped tee; Primark. Super skinny grey jeans; Topshop. Cream skirt; Topshop. Grey jersey skirt; New Look.
Cropped vest; Topshop (yes, I've succumbed to the cropped mania!!). Light denim jacket; Primark. Lace bodysuit; Topshop. 2 x vests; Topman. Sequined top; H&M. Leather skirt; Topshop (my current fave skirt at the moment!). Striped dress; Topshop. Light tunic/shirt; New Look. Leather jacket; H&M (it's never off my back, love!)
I also bought a few other things but I've not had a chance to take pictures of them, such as the Barbara Hulanicki for Topshop bodysuit and a scarf from her collection. A pair of brown woven shoesies from New Look and things.
A few things I've been up to recently too;

Pretty much; nights out!! The last one is from when I went to see the Horrors live, wheeeeyyyy had a great time. Although getting the bus back from Glasgow at 3.30am when you've had one too many Corona's isn't all that fun haha!
The second one is from a night out Char and myself went out on, this is our most unfriendly faces, think the vodka had settled in nicely by this time.
Things to look forward to;
Jamie T live.
2 Many DJ's live - Char and myself are going for this, WOOO!
Possibility of going back to uni for one more year.
My birthday (only a day away!)
My sister's birthday - today, we have one day between each other.
Sea x.x.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
BIG aplogies!
First off, how terrible are we?! We've totaly neglected this poor blog adn both feel awful for it. The pair of us have been super busy since our last post with graduation, work and judt in general finding time to update and comment our followers and fellow readers. So, (again!), this post is to apolgise. I (Sea) am curently working on a post at the moment, seeing how we've not updated, I'm sure Char and I know that myself has LOTS of purchases to show off, inspiration pictures and several pictures from nights out we want to share with you. Very excited as it's my birthday soon, I remember posting about my birthday last year...and it only feels like it was 2 weeks ago or something, crazy.
There WILL be a post soon guys, much apologies.
Sea xx
Friday, 29 May 2009

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Evrything I got today was from H&M, which makes a nice change as I'm getting sick of seeing T/S every waking moment of my life, LOL.
This was my bargain, it only cost £3, hoorah! Its a cute little crop vest with a fab lace-up back.
A fab patterned scarf from H&M. I never usually buy scarves so thought I'd make an exception for this purchase. I will most likely wear it tomorrow me thinks!
I'll also show some purchases I've made that I forgot to add in on my last post;
From H&M too.
Eeee, its a wicker/baskety clutch! I got this from Topshop about two weeks ago. I don't usually wear clutches or use them, as I like to keep an eye on my bag when I'm out and have a strappy one but I seen this and thought; If I buy one clutch, ever, it has to be this one! I love it! It's got lots of room in it too so I can fit all me essentials inside for nights out, which is always good!
No outfit pictures as yet, I'm forever rushing out the door these days and always forget, but promise there will be some soon!
I'm excited for Friday, Char, myself and our friends are going out into town to celebrate the end of university/exams/coursework (forever!!), yay! Even though this ended for me a year ago haha! Oh graduation...!
Hope evryone is having a good week!
Sea .x.
PS: my obsession is no longer LadyHawke (well still a little bit), but now this song;
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Also, Char m,entioned to me the other night that we missed FashionSqueah's birthday! OMG. Cannot believe that it has been more than a year since we started up this blog, ker-azyyyy!
Anyway, I seem to have misplaced my camera (argh!) so I'm having to post pictures from websites etc of what I've bought recently, so no outfit pictures this time guys, hope you don't mind!
So, much excitemenmt when I found out that the genius behind the name of Biba, Barbara Hulanicki was doing a collection for Topshop. If you want to find out more about teh brand of Biba, I'd recommend the book; "The Biba Experience" by Alwyn W. Turner. Its a great book that I love reading over and over again! I originally bought it for some research for a project for university that I was doing at the time. Here's the link for the book from;
If anyone orders or already has this book, let me know your thoughts on it etc, it has some FAB pictures in it too from the huge store they used to have and just general pictures from that era, which I really love and love to take inspiration from :)
So! Here is what I bought from Barbara's collection;

It's really lovely on and I did not mind paying £55 (well less than that because of discount!) for it either as seems like a piece I can wear casually or dressy, that I will keep for a long time and can dress it in so many different ways, yay! I really wanted to purchase the blouse that Mary-Kate Olsen has, I did have a picture but can't seem to find it in my embarrasingly packed & huge MKA folder of picture (GEEK!) haha! But that blouse just seemed ever so perfect for warm summer days and seemed so floaty, but its OK as this dress suits exactly to that too so nothing is lost :)
Some of my other purchases from the past weeks;

The boots above I did not get in cream, sadly! I got them in black and look great! Originally wqhen these first came into the store I was after the cream ones oh so bad, but then as weeks (and my size in shoes) went by being bought, I started to see the black ones in a whole new different way. And just yesterday I finally purcahsed 'em. I kinda regret paying £70-odd for them but I'm trying to put that to the back of mind at the moment...eep. I have 'em on right now with jeans and a black sheer tee and they're so COMFY! I've already been out and about in them today as it is, and no sore feet....yet!
The dress from American Apparel I recommend EVERYONE should get, yes even males haha! This dress is great, its so soft and really flattering on, I was going to purcahse it online but I had to go into Glasgow a few days later so I left it til then so I could try it on in person and see how it looked. One of teh best things I've bought in a long time! Although the first day I wore it, I got half my lunch down it, ARGH! But its been washed and such now so its all better :)
And finally, the camper van tee from Topshop. I really need to stop buying so many tee's, I've got so much casual stuff in my wardrobe, its crazy. When it comes to a night out with the girls; I'm like; CRAP, I have no dresses! I'm guilty oif going out in just a jeans and a tee quite alot, but I usually dress it up with good shoes and accessories. I kinda love the laid back but still sexy/dressy way. This tee I really like as it was A; cheap. B; fab graphic. C; unusual/fab shape to it. & D; looks great on!
I did buy more from my trip in Galsgow a few weeks ago, which was when I got the AA dress. I also visited Primark, but it was such a let down. In terms of clothes anyway, I got a tonne of jewellery - even more to add to my collection! Think one day I'll take a picture of all the jewellery I own, when I find my camera of course ha. Although in Primark, I got a new checked shirt from the men's dept which scanned at £1.00 at the till - WOO! It was meant to be £10!
Now, I shall leave you all with a little something I cooked up on Its just a mix of things I am enjoying at the moment, inspiration and garments I wish I had! Note the All Saints military boots, I NEED THEM! Maybe next month I shall purcahse them? I keep putting them off as I get distracted by new items in TS!
insp by goo featuring claire's rings