Tops - ebay, skirt - boohoo, tights - tightsplease (don't worry, a different pair! I'm not that skanky...) shoes - H&M.

Tops - ebay, skirt - boohoo, tights - tightsplease (don't worry, a different pair! I'm not that skanky...) shoes - H&M.
Dress - vintage via ebay, belt - chartity shop, tights - Primark, black peep toes - H&M, J'aime Paris tee - Dollydagger, bangles - New Look/vintage.
Char x x x
I thought this belt was quite cool and would make a good stand-in for my ever-present H&M one, which is like surgically attatched to my waist. I thought the H&M one was one of those ubiquitous items that would cause every girl who passed me to roll her eyes and think "H&M, £4.99" but a girl at my work, who dresses awesome, asked where it was from and said it looked expensive so a total replacement may not be neccessary! Long chain of pearls and gold and another, shorter chain of pearls. I have wanted both these items for a while, since I'm planning to wear fake pearls a lot to justify spending money on real ones...you know the old "but I'd wear them all the time..." these were £3.95 each, see what I mean about rising prices? The grey plastic ones were only 50p though since that shop was closing down.
I scored this top from the closing down shop for 75p! It's a size 20, which I am not, but I kinda thought maybe it would work in a baggy kinda way, we shall have to wait and see!
This bag was so fierce it couldn't not be mine! I think it was also £3.95.
Char x x x
Sonic Youth tee; eBay. Dress (word as skirt); Zara. Tights; Primark (I think). Shoes; eBay (but are originally from Topshop).
Ooops, I only seem to have the one photo from last week!
Hope everyone is doing well.
Expect more updates soon!
Sea x.x.
Quite a simple outfit, but anyway!
Dress; ASOS, Bag; Primark (still in love with it ha), Shoes; Dorothy Perkins.
The balloons behind me were awesome and huge! Here is the cake (which was so yummy);
Here is what I am wearing today;
Top (worn as dress, hopefully that does not sound too tacky/horrible/slutty LOL); H&M. Tights; Primark. Socks; Topshop. Shoes; Miss Selfridge. Bag; Vintage. Belt; came with a pair of trousers from Dorothy Perkins.
Running some errands etc, I cannot wait until I get paid again, I am in need of a major shopping fix!
The title of this post seemed fitting, it is an excellent song by Karen Kelly (my love and passion for music/songs from the 1960's and early 1970's is showing here!). Its ace, try and find it, you'l lenjoy it ^_^
Sea x.x.
Just for reference...this is what a sylvanian family looks like. The mice actually freak me out a bit because there's a dead mouse in a trap in my flat which I can't bring mysewlf to touch, why did it have to happen when my flatmate was away? I know that in any big city mice are common and they are so small that they can squeeze in alomst anywhere, but I just hate the thought of them being in my home! It makes me feel like I'm not clean enough or something...
I got my exam results yesterday and I managed to get all Bs, so last night was a double celebration for me! It was also a celebration for Sea who has passed her course and will graduate next month, so excited for her! I have one more year to go, I'm looking forward to it but I am so mad that I can't get my dissertation sorted out...
In other news, it's 11 days until I get paid...oh my god I can NOT wait!
Char x x x
Because I don't have an outfit picture for today - more work, argh! - I decided to post an outfit I wore a while ago, some time before Christmas maybe? It also serves as an example of a trend I'm sick of, star print! I loved it at first, before every single person/shop cottoned on..it's not that I hate it now, I just think it died a bit for me when it became uber-mainstream. An excellent example of the overexposure of the star print is below, my friend rocked up in a dress the same night I wore my skirt!
Boot - Some shop in New York, tights - H&M, skirt - Therapy at House of Fraser, vest - Topshop, shirt - asos, belt - H&M, necklace -can't remember!
He he he, we match! Except her thighs are much thinner than mine...
I've seen a few posts on other blogs (can't remember exactly where, sorry!) with people documenting past fashion crimes. Speaking of trends which took too long to die, remember Nu Rave? Ahhh yeah, this is the shit! Glow sticks (plural?!): check, abundance of cheap plastic jewellary: check, dress by H&M: check, sweaty nightclub backdrop: check. Self photography via unnatural extension of the arms creating "myspace" angles: check! The sad thing is, I am now too fat for this dress, grrrr! Dress - H&M (duh!), glowsticks - student union club, good old sweaty Potterrow. Jewellary - Lady Luck Rules.
This was a 1920's/Great Gatsby themed party which was lovely because all the boys wore suits (with pocket squares!) and all the girls were gorgeous, we ate cucumber sandwiches without crusts and drank gin and tonics, divine! I still acted very 21st century and drank too much, losing my camera so this is my only photo.
I'm on the left. The dress is H&M and scarf (on the head), "pearls" not a clue where! And here is my face, just for you Nita! It's not the most flattering picture ever, but I was a stone and a half lighter then so it's better than any I've taken recently!
Char x x x
Another crappy photo, I know and I'm sorry! And I'm wearing shoes in spite of the fact I'm inside my own house and not going anywhere, poser! Skirt - H&M (deemed too short for work, pffft!), shoes - vintage via ebay, nightgown top - vintage via etsy, bangle - asos.
Today after work I changed quickly and went to uni to meet a friend and see our (potential) dissertation supervisor and then to her place to eat ice-cream...
Peep-toe wedges - H&M (the "free" in a buy one get one free), grey/navy tights - tightsplease, dress vintage (and maybe handmade, there's no labels) - vintage via ebay, I wore it here too. Cardigan - H&M, belt - Primark.
I read in yesterday's Scotsman (high-brow Scottish broadsheet newspaper) that men's suits are becoming fashionable again, good news I say as the men in this country lag behind the women in the style stakes. And there is nothing hotter than a man in good tailoring. I never went for the "men in uniform" thing but point me in the direction of a man in a suit, anyday! Men don't have the option of jewellary (we are lucky!) and so a suit can be personalised with cufflinks, not of the novelty variety obviously, or colurful (but tasteful) socks, ties and pocket squares. I can't find the article online though...
Char x x x
Last night I wore this to visit Char at her flat for some wine and NACHOS! Man they were awesome.
Cardi; Villa/JOY. Grey Vest; Dorothy Perkins. I'm showing some cheeky undergarment here but I was covered up most of the night lol! Bra/Slip; La Senza. Trousers; H&M. Shoes; eBay. Bag; Primark (I'm loving this bag recently, hence why it has appeared so much!).
A rare occassion of showing so much leg! I'm not sure if I like it so much LOL.
Top; Topshop (Laandaan one, I need to say this with every London purchase). Shorts; Topsop (Laanndaan again). Shoes; Primark. Bag; Vintage.
Both Char and myself are going to be attending a friend's 21st birthday on Saturday and I am SO stuck with what to wear (yet again ARGH). I did have this outfit in mind but I need opinions;
I quite like this, but my heart is not all that into it, if anyone understands that, haha! I may go shopping and try to find a dress or something on Friday, as thats the only time I'm free as I'm working the rest of the weekend. I have got a few more dresses, but I've worn them all so many times, I'm in need of something new!
I just want to thank all the people who have been commenting and reading our blog, it means alot to us and cant thank the people who have commented enough! Thankies!!
Sea x.x.
When I get paid, I think I'll invest in the blue striped version as it's rare for me to find a shirt that doesn't gape in the boob area. I really don't want to be giving off a slutty, scruffy, blow-jobs-in-the-mailroom vibe at the big fancy law firm I'm working at!
I also quite like this rather weird tartan-checked-sheer creation, and it's also like £12 or something. Ahhh the wages are spent before they even arrive, I am counting the days till payday!
I bullied my Mum into making me a barbeque yesterday and in return got a bunch of stuff to sell on ebay, mostly dull china (Royal Doulton baby!) and a collection of teaspoons which fascinated me as a child for some reason. But also this sweet little handbag, which belonged to my Grandmother a long time ago (well, it belonged to her until recently but wasn't used!). I am in love with this bag, but it wouldn't hold half the stuff I take out with me and I have been instructed to sell it, so sell I must! I also have a bunch of vintage dresses, so stay tuned for a preview and details of my ebay etc!
Speaking of ebay, the dispute about the dress I bought and bitched about here is over. The seller has kindly offered a full refund and apologised for misleading me. So, I must apologise for a) boring you with my rant and b) complaining about something which turned out to be easily fixed! I think that it is still a valuable lesson to learn though, whilst I would say that 99% of ebay transactions are free from problems, there are always going to be dishonest people and we all should be careful not to be victims of bad ebayers!
In my quest for summer footwear which doesn't bake my feet I've been seriously considering a pair of white jazz shoes. I know, it sounds a bit mental but there are white pumps everywhere just now that look identical and jazz shoes are just that little bit cheaper!
See? Ain't nothing wrong with that...or is there, do you think I'm mad? I have a pair of black jazz shoes from my dancing days but the black ones actually look like dance shoes (and to me they are!). Speaking of abusing dancewear, I brought some ballet tights back from my Mum's and may attempt to pass them off as normal tights - they are just such a pretty, summery colour. Again, do you think I'm mental? They are a better idea than the white tights I bought from ebay then chickened out of wearing because they were not opaque enough for my legs! My new tights-buying mantra = I don't do 15 denier. Not so unflattering as they were when paired with a leotard either. If only I still had my muscly, meaning not flabby, dancer's legs *sigh*
Other things I'm wearing here are a New Look skirt and Miss Selfridge (sale!) shoes.
As of tomorrow my flatmate is away for like three weeks, woot! No more living in someone else's filth! Why is it so hard to find a flatmate who has the same standards of hygiene and cleanliness as me? I may have a girl's night or something while he's gone...it'll also be much easier for me to get outfit posts! Nita Karoliina of little sneak into my life expressed sadness at never seeing our faces in photos, I guess it's just easier for me to take outfit posts without worrying about what my crazy face is doing but I'm working up to a face shot...maybe! I have to admit that the bloggers I most admire are those who show their faces. If you knew me you'd recognise me anyway so it's not really a privacy thing, more a I'm-not-too-photogenic-in-the-morning thing!
Char x x x
(Rubbish picture again, apologies!) Just a quick outfit I rustled up!
Black tee; H&M. Grey dress (worn as a skirt); Zara. Tights; Topshop. Knee high socks; Topshop. Bag; Warehouse. Necklace; Primark. Boots; eBay!.
Right now however, I am looking forward to this (as I'm feeling really ill and missing out on a high school friends' engagement party *sob*) ;
Sea x.x.
The process of how a pearl is made is fascinating to me, to think that it begins life as an irritating substance which bothers a gross-looking sea creature and becomes a thing of beauty amazes me! wikipedia has some good information on pearls, the different types and how they are made. My job has taught me a lot about caring for pearls; they don't like contact with water but should not be left to dry out either (a crazy contradiction), contact with perfumes or alcohol is to be avoided and peals should be laid out straight not wrapped up in circles.
I have a string of faux pearls which I wore here. I find them difficult though since they are quite large, I want soemthing smaller, more delicate. Though my fake pearls have a truely divine catch which I haven't seen on any more authentic necklaces!
Speaking of SATC, Sea and I finally saw the movie last night, squee! We both agreed that it was much sadder than expected but I still enjoyed it immensly, and the clothes were devine! Carrie wore pearls quite a lot too, like in the picture below, which proves my inkling that they're about to become fashionable again. It's a good time to have access to discounted jewellary!