Nothing too exciting, just one or two outfits! We've been having SUCH good weather recently that I thought it was time to bare my, very pale, tan-less, pins!
Ok, I am sorry for the very rubbish-ness that is this picture, the flash etc! & I only look tanned because of the lighting etc.
Grey cardi, H&M, cream dress; H&M, tights; ASDA, shoes; Topshop, bag; Primark. (My dress toppy thing cant be seen very well here, sorry people but my camera ran out of battery before I could take any more pics! Although I did have a pic that included all of my top, but the pic had flaws so I did not use it for this post. Heres the top part of me dress;
I LOVE my shoesies! & also love how they are called' MINTY' ha! I ordered 'em from topshop, heres a better picture;
Gosh i love 'em!
Next is an outfit from yesterday;
Shirt; Topshop, jeans; Dorothy Perkins, shoes; Topshop, bag; ASDA (its getting chucked soon, its falling apart).
Tomorrow, Char and I may go on a shopping trip. I'm in need of a few things and cant wait to spend some cash.
Oh yeah, I had a dream about Sid from Skins last night and how we fell in love. I think i fancy him now. Anyone else ever get that? You dream of some famous person and the next morning, you see them in a whole different light? Here's Sid (guess which one);

wahahahahaha fdklgjfklgjfgfkld (minature squeal/outburst) Ok, i do officially love him. He's a cute, like a little kitten.
Oh for goodness sake, you can still see Tony/ Nicolas Hault's eyes (far right) peepign through, peeping through the slats. Its quite scary actually...
But I still love Sid.
Sea x.x.
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