Scoring a highly respectable 2 on the scale is Miss Carrie Brashaw, of course (you were waiting for it weren't you?), with her "Carrie" necklace. It isn't chavvy because a) it is worn with a sense of fun and irony and b) it is constantly rubbing up against couture. I swear I cry every time I watch the final episodes of SATC and she loses the necklace in the vintage handbag!
Carrie is known for having a sense of fun with fashion, giant flowers anyone? And in real life too, SJP has a quirky and brave sense of style. Though I am not a fan of her Bitten line...
Sarah Jessica Parker at the world premiere of the Sex and the City movie, in London. I can't actually wait for the release of this film! Sea and I are dressing upand going for cocktails to bathe in the fabulousness!
Scoring a mid-range 5 on the chav scale is our girl Betty. She lacks the irony of Carrie, but I have read many an article praisign her "interesting" style and I have to agree, Betty rocks!
Of course in real-life, America Ferrera is beautiful and well-dressed...
After that it all gets a bit hazy...if you suspect you may have gone beyond a 5, remove the item immediatly and never speak of it again. Don't forget you must add an extra 2 “chav points” and move up the scale if your necklace was purchased from Argos. Or if it has diamantes. Or if it is fact not a name necklace but a statement of your position within a family, ie “sis” or “mum”.
Here's Kate Moss as a chav, just because. I think this was for an episode of Little Britain...
1 comment:
OMG! I disagree with u biggg timeee missyyy!! NAME NECKLACES ARE THE SHIZNETTEE! They are not chavvy! I wear two at once..with thick gold chains/rope chains...i must be the biggest chinese chav out there! I absolutly adore them and getting a third one very soon...you have to know my name!...u dont what to be singing the ting tings song now do u?! Iv been meaning to blog about my name necklaces actually...i will do it very soon! When you get one you will never go back..but nonetheless..you blog is still a good read (^_^)!
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